Chiropractic care can treat TMJ symptoms.

Back pain, leg pain, pinched nerve, sciatica, neck pain, severe headahes. You’ve probably heard that chiropractic care can rid your body of these conditions. However, can a chiropractor alleviate your TMJ symptoms?

TMJ or temporomandibular joint disorders are a common ailment that chiropractors can treat. If you’re experiencing any TMJ symptoms, or if you’re not sure what these TMJ symptoms are, read our post today to learn more.

The American Chiropractic Association reported that over 40 million Americans – of all ages – rely on chiropractic care and treatment every year. Chiropractors can treat back and neck pain. They can also help patients manage chronic headaches and stress.

On top of those conditions, chiropractic professionals can help patients TMJ symptoms – a condition that may otherwise compel you to see a dentist instead.

What Is TMJ?

Temporomandibular joint disorders (TMD) are more commonly known simply as TMJ. It classifies disorders concerning the connecting areas between the skull, the jaw, and the facial muscles. TMJ symptoms are more evident when these parts of the body become swollen and painful.

The causes of TMJ vary immensely. Some of the reported causes, however, are jaw injuries, teeth grinding or bruxism, or poor alignment of the jaw. There are also other cases where there is no known cause for this order. Some patients have reported their TMJ symptoms disappearing all of a sudden without any kind of treatment.

What Are TMJ Symptoms?

TMJ symptoms can differ broadly from person to person. However, some of the more common issues are seen in most patients. Jaw pain, difficulty in chewing or swallowing, neck pain, and headaches are some of the symptoms of TMJ.

Jaw pain is one of the TMJ symptoms.

In some cases, patients have also reported episodes of dizziness. Since these symptoms could also be causes of a different condition altogether, it’s essential to be seen by a professional to confirm the diagnosis.

How Is This Condition Usually Treated?

The traditional way of treating this condition is by going to dental professionals. They use a range of dental approaches to treat TMJ symptoms. They may also prescribe patients some anti-inflammatory medication to help with the swelling and pain.

Lifestyle and diet changes are also highly recommended. Some of these changes include avoiding foods that are hard to chew, eating only soft foods until TMJ symptoms lessen, using heat or cold compresses, and using a mouth guard every night.

Since every patient’s situation is different, don’t just attempt to try any of the mentioned traditional cures for TMJ disorders above. You must get seen by your doctor first and foremost – before you manage your symptoms.

In some other severe cases of TMJ disorders, injections, or even surgeries may be ordered by the doctor. However, most patients have reported that changes to their diets and lifestyle have been sufficient to manage the symptoms and let them dissipate in their own time.

Chiropractic Care to Treat TMJ Symptoms

Many people don’t realize that chiropractic care and treatment services are readily available to treat TMJ disorders.

Chiropractic techniques can be used to treat TMJ symptoms.

Consult with your local chiropractor to know how he or she can help you handle and manage this condition.

When physical strains or excessive tension bring TMJ pain and discomfort, a chiropractic professional can expertly realign your body to reduce jaw pain.

By focusing on the misalignments in the spine and neck, a chiropractor can reduce nerve tension and offer relief from TMJ disorders.

Different Chiropractic Techniques to Treat TMJ Disorders

Different chiropractic adjustment techniques may be used to treat TMJ pain. While positive results in treating this condition using chiropractic care are anecdotal, it’s undeniable that numerous patients have indeed found the relief they are seeking from this condition.

Since chiropractic is a natural and non-invasive healthcare alternative, anyone is safe to try it. Chiropractic treatment is known to focus on treating the root of pain – not just the symptoms. Furthermore, consistent chiropractic care and treatment – no matter what symptoms the patients are experiencing – can improve their overall health and wellness.

Nevertheless, please keep in mind that lifestyle and diet changes, as well as dental consultation, may need to supplement chiropractic care when treating TMJ disorders. Ultimately, being open to different types of healthcare and treatment options will surely yield you the positive results you’re seeking.